Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Use My Dog To Musturbate

Sunday, April 25, 2010

eventful day for Team Krav Maga Isorella

Maestro Ciro Varone 6th dan black belt in karate and National Teacher of Krav Maga, technical director and national defense industry Krav Maga Fesik;
Maestro Vincent Cacioppo 6th dan black belt karate, black belt 6th Dan Ju Jitsu, Ju Jitsu Fesik member national commission;

A warm spring afternoon was the setting for the fair of San Giorgio of Fiesse.
To make it even more poignant a long carousel of sports demonstrations and performances of various kinds, held in the small town gymnasium the low country.

The Maestro Antonio Varone Regional Teacher of Krav Maga, in collaboration with the Proloco of Fiesse, organized a demonstration of self-defense, with commentary in direct Maestro Ciro Varone. We also thank the

Maestro Daniele Ramponi for collaboration at this time.

Here are some pictures:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hodgkin's Lymphoma Mood Swings

What is it? .. What will you do? .. What? ..

Stone RMIG
few more days ...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Indoor Basketball Courtsin East Brunswick

Defend yourself!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Milena Velba Lorna Morgan

are pleased to publish



TORO, April 17, 2010


"Only when the last river is drained, when the last tree has died, when the last animal is killed, only then you will understand that money can not eat"

( Sitting Bull, chief of the Lakota Sioux)


07.30 Hours Concentration of agricultural vehicles in C / Mill Plain

08.30 pm Departure of agricultural vehicles

09.30 Hours concentration of people and agricultural tools in C / da Casale (behind the Convent)

10.00 am Departure the parade

11.00 am during which participants in the Piazza del Piano


Earth, Nature and Culture. Toro safeguard and defend the Molise

"We treat well the earth we live on: it was given to us not by our fathers, but there has been paid by our children"

(Masai proverb)


Committee "Protecting our territory" of Taurus, the Committee on Defence of the Tammaro, Committee

National Landscape, WWF Molise, LIPU, Democratic Ecologists Molise, Italy Nostra, the Other Italy

Environment, League of Local Governments Molise, Consumer Movement, The Source, The Bridge, Association "I

Care" Association "Joseph Tedeschi" Onlus, Regional Christian Social Movement, Association


against the Mafia Molise, ANPI, Step-Students and Participation, Collective 2kappa8 - Alternative

student COLDIRETTI Molise Association "Historic Houses" Committee "At what point is the Molise"

Trade Active, Arca Sannita Association of Pastors know, make green, the Italian Confederation

Farmers Molise, AS. EC Confesercenti Campobasso, Defense Committee of the Territories and Mignagniello

Monteverde, ALPA Molise, Public Water Forum, Committee of Public Water-Rich, Altromolise,

Association "New Town" Venafro Association "The County Citizens' Isernia,

Active Citizenship, The Common Good, FAI delegation of Campobasso