Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
If I Have Hbv Does My Wife Get It
The turning awaits the wind.
It 's a thin sheet of plastic, is a galaxy, a thought that makes endless laps around itself and becomes trapped in the clutches of an obsession. It 's a sequence of numbers, a geometric design, a common form in nature, a distraction hanging on a wooden stick, a vertigo.
But how many laps around itself a memory before being so far away from the origin thought to be a fuzzy memory?
E 'came the wind. There's no peace, no real estate. The motion stops. It 's a swirl of red and silver eye no longer able to distinguish and then the mixture until it lost its meaning. I wonder if the stars are watching, if tomorrow I'll be reckless enough to feel hopeful, if their minds to the vertical means to celebrate the soul, if the body is healed, or will be made to learn to let go ...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What Happens When Your Pancreas Do Not Function
"Medicine is not mathematics" as he began the doctor after yet another failed experiment.
Most often proceed by trial and error, hoping that resolution, just as in life. The latter is a continuum of defeats and successes. It 'a series of steps, but where these lead remains a mystery.
And 'maybe a circular path, an eternal return, or perhaps a straight line, a path with no branches, the life?
Rightly, she sees the biological cycles, your body scans a perpetual fall on itself. Everything back to the origin, the end does not exist if not for veto in the presence and visibility. The law changes all that here finds its raison d'etre. The body becomes the belly primal source of the bodies, then turns to ashes and then invisible. A truth in anything that is nourishment of our more elaborate ideas.
Yesterday I watched the park, home, oak, magnolias, rose garden, the hedge erubescente and, beyond the iron gate, the bustle of the street with his car. Suddenly everything is gone. I saw the gap in the trees and into the ramifications on the surface of the leaves, I saw the gap between the blades of grass and work underground forces that make pulp and dissolving of individuality in each form an amalgam amorphous that it is our principle and our end.
"How can such a chasm not anguish that engulfs the world and all its creation? he asked honestly. The medicine and philosophy, speculation anatomy that attempts to explain the disease and the failure of the integrity of the body.
Today I looked at the park. To fill the void we have a new project, two cats and a hedgehog, a geometric disporsi cobwebs and flying insects. Maybe it's the serotonin or perhaps a delusion, but it seems so strange that the principle that powers the vacuum matter is ...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wedding Program Order Of Service

Thank you, thank you ,
With these few words, perhaps obvious, but full of sincerity, interpreting the desire of the Board, I wish to thank all those who have "helped" so this association, the Stone RMIG, could come to life and start here in Campodipietra, his run.
While not making an active part, many people have contributed and all are made with care, transportation and affection for something that I hope I can represent them with its contents, with its guidelines, though, for some, this association does not fall within its territory.
I turn, in fact, especially to my partner, Max Marani and all the staff of our company: the META Information in Bari, certainly not for the sake of membership, but with sincere enthusiasm for participation and professionalism has made in a very short time, with plenty of tricks and tips, the website of the Stone RMIG, has focused on the layout of the newspaper u'Banntòre and oversaw the entire web infrastructure necessary, supporting and especially " bearing" a disproportionate myself with its insistent demands. And 'thanks to them that today we receive compliments from everyone and we are also honored by visits from overseas.
My thoughts then Demetrius Spina, Artist Campopetrese doc, from Rome, devoting precious time to him because of his talent has taken very well represented in effigy the meaning of the legend from which comes our name. His work is and always will be the footprint of the Stone RMIG through Demetrius.
Thanks to those who want to participate in this project with great sensitivity, while not knowing the contents right away, but blindly believing in people and demonstrating in a tangible way with making available to the premises of Via Roma 24, today in our office Campodipietra.
Thanks again, you have been and continue to be all very dear and thoughtful as those who, with grace and delicacy is there every time, ready with the kettle of hot coffee and perfumed like to give us, once again, refreshments and more vigorously .
Thanks to those who wrote to us through the website, encouraging us with strength and conviction, but mainly thanks to those who still do not have clear ideas about us and this is thanks in advance for when you will visit us and know us better, will be the welcome.
All of us, the founders and members of this reality, we, in fact, a only one purpose: to start doing that together with you today what we want for tomorrow.
Thank you, thank you.
Marco Carlone
Blueprintsandrabbit Hutches
Camille Paglia argues that religions are born out of human hope to quiet the raging of the elements, in fear and flight.
While it is true that the idea of \u200b\u200bGod is born in inferring the nature as a last attempt to justify human suffering, it is equally true that if you can justify the suffering of others, it is very difficult to do with their own. The image of a disaster is so staggering as understandable: it is accepted. As difficult as it is accepted that the cruel hand of nature has fallen on other human beings and have them crushed in a vise of pain and indifference, eventually a soft acceptance is to absolve us from unbearable thoughts of helplessness. "And 'the will of God."
E 'fate that a woman had cried all night her son died in a hospital infant resuscitation room, the predator devour its prey while still alive, screaming for meat torn, which invests a car dog and torn leaves on the roadside, that tomorrow the sun shine on someone and for someone else just a hint of cold tomb.
God turns his face expressionless as a judge on appearance Mask: marble and gypsum is distracted by the gaze, the expression of vague and indifferent child. Does not judge or condemn. It does not save. Ahead. Expects that the wind almost touches their own forms of statue, which mark the light and dark days and setting out the plans. Do not want to and not fear.
not hate and not love.
Intermittent Strabismus, Celiac
Presentation of the novel "Missing in Urbino "
Saturday, May 29, 2010, at the wine bar 075, at 18:30
Under Project Pesaro is tinged with yellow, "organized by a group of students from the branch of Pesaro, Urbino University" Carlo Bo ", in collaboration with the library Pesaro Books, Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 18:30, at the wine bar 075 of Pesaro, the novel will be presented by Sonia Bucciarelli "Missing in Urbino " (Edizioni Tabula fates, Chieti).
Speakers: Sonia
Bucciarelli - Author
Zeloni Andrea Massimo - Director squad Pesaro
Louis Luminati - Journalist Il Resto del Carlino
Matteo Simonetti - Writer
The board of the book
compartments URBINO
looks like the script of a film noir black and white by Sonia Bucciarelli this novel, a young student to his literary debut.
The location is a dark and mysterious Urbino University, populated by eerie presence, even when choosing the perfect fortress Albornoz as grim symbol of the city.
history, halfway between the black and yellow detective novel, punctuated by sudden incursions philosophizing, interprets well the existential dimension of a generation fragile, suspended between fear of the future and the inconvenience of this.
Sonia Bucciarelli was born in Guardiagrele (CH) April 7, 1985.
She graduated from the Liceo Classico "GB Vico" of Chieti and a degree in Science Communication at the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". He is currently enrolled in degree in Communication and publicity for organizations "of the same university. Time spent in Urbino, Marche ancient university town, full of history and characteristic environments was essential to inspire in you the right ideas that led you to write "Missing in Urbino," his first novel, published in 2008 with the publishing house Tabula Fati.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Hot Cruising Spots Gay Las Vegas
Sunday, May 16, 2010
in Via Roma, 24
read the handout on