Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Emerald League New Game

The wishes of children

They receive toys are more expensive but to make them really happy are things that can not be bought
We are always thinking of giving toys, clothes, books, cars and video games. They want everything that can not be buy: our time, the serenity of the family, the affection of the people who are close to, the ability to make new discoveries or new thrills ..

From research conducted at national level were interviewed 1,100 children between 3 and 11 years, is often found that the toy, the size and increasingly huge status symbol of the family, is a tool used by parents in an unconscious way to break down their guilt for the non-presence, a kind of compensation. It 's so that is perceived by the children, who see in the toy a tangible sign of a presence so desired.

Against plush dangling from the shelves, sophisticated radio-controlled cars, video games aside in every corner, the children surveyed claim to be truly happy when they run, they're in the company of grandparents and cousins \u200b\u200bor walking in the forest "to seek the wolf in a fantastic game with their parents. "The survey reveals that" things "the most desirable in the age group between four and five years are balloons, candies, chocolates, packets of trading cards, bicycles, tricycles, roller skates and colored pencils. But in the case of dreams, the real gifts, those who fill the pages of secret diaries, the subjects in the classroom, stories whispered in the ears of the friends of the heart are: "When I go skiing," "When I stayed two or three times from my grandmother," when we went to the theater, "" when I saw the Christmas tree, " "When I sleep with the dolphin stuff." The 'object of desire is always more magical, rare, and especially the cost is affordable to all.

therefore does not cost anything to give our children what they desire most: time to spend together. Why - Think about - Be together at home, at the same time, it really means to be together. The sharing of emotions with our children through an exchange of words, feelings and experiences. Go through the emotional closeness. Then in the evening, we try to turn off the television and flip through a picture book with our children, focusing on images and descriptions. We read them a story, holding in her arms, with the light a little 'soft. Let's look at the rain that falls from the window, even without speaking. Over the weekend, spending time with them. Now that the weather is mild, we discover with our children, the sound of leaves blowing in the wind in a forest, the murmur of a stream, feel the texture of bark of trees. And who knows, these moments are simple and precious, to be the most coveted gift, so rare and magical, to our children.

Matteo De Matteis

Friday, October 8, 2010

Shark Crash Helmets Uk Only

WORKSHOP: CLOWN IN MOVE - Saturday, October 9

At Ibla Buskers, we will present 8 to 10 October, We'll laugh about 'presents, Saturday, October 9th, the Laboratory: CLOWN ON THE MOVE.
An initial anticipation of a fall of proposals for those who want to know and experiential approach to ClownTerapy

This meeting begins with an analysis of their body and movement, to find a physical comedy and to amplify their power of communication.
The body is in fact the primary means of expression and universal for the clowns: the study and research of the movements is fundamental for him.
The movement helps the mental and spiritual capacities, especially if done with a smile.
The exercises aim to develop a more flexible expression of the body, searching for a better coordination optimize individual concentration, self-esteem and harmony as well as the spontaneity and creativity.
The improvisations also help in understanding and knowing how to manage emotions, communicate / projecting from their bodies to the public.
protagonist is essential to the management of breath, and special attention will be given to various methods of relaxation and self-massage to increase the ability to listen to the body.

leads SILVIA Easter Monday (upside down)
Master Physical Theatre (London);
Clown Doctor (International Federation Laugh for Life);
Operator of circus arts (Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome).

remember that the meeting is open to all - max 30 persons
We recommend comfortable clothing and a mat
Saturday, October 9 '10
10:30 to 13:30 hours and 15:30 to 18:30
c / o STUDIO CLUB Via Duca d'Aosta 42 5 / 7 - Ragusa
Reservation at 329 4219904 - 3351362853
Info: -
Also on Faccialibro

We thank the Federation Laugh for Life International, the Association Prometeo Onlus association St. Lucia