Thursday, September 9, 2010

Examples Of Clothes Stores

If a messy desk denotes a spirit of confusion, what about an empty desk? "A. Einstein

I have to admit ... although they all eventually comes back. ... I say the mess!
just can not! Yet the good intentions are all there ... but my room is full every time I try to put things in place (including socks. ... Means eh eh eh hehehehehe EHE).
This summer I looked at my car ... and I thought "it was even greater wonder what you put into a second home ... .. everything in bulk ... "
any given moment it seemed that even the tide of stuff (tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, suitcase clown ... ... .. etc etc various odds and ends ) had enough of being in the trunk (already very large) and he wants to be there in the back seat to enjoy the journey as leaning against the back front - a crafty and blessed, to talk briefly concerned that I was doing.
In all this, some say that I can not belong to the zodiacal sign in which the star has given me ... "no no, you're a twin!" Bohhhhhh ..... I wonder, "but because they are two? an order and the other goes and makes a mess? "

the end of the holidays, returned to find my office desk the Kaos ... ... ... ... as I had left .... a little 'less I have to tell you the truth ... (holy hands of the girl who puts in order!) ... ... but still unusable. And that's where I start to worry. ... then I start looking on the net do not know what to answer, perhaps a bit to calm down ... e. .. hear hear .... here's what I find ... chronic disorders, from office desks and chaotic "mess", open your ears:
the disorder works, while the order is time consuming. Probably, in your heart, you've always known, but to support you, there is even a professor of management at Columbia University, Eric Abrahamson, who has devoted an entire book to the topic.
His thesis: the messy worker would take 36% less time, than their colleagues, to find the documents they need, making it essential for the proper functioning of the enterprise. The possibility also to find a lost phone number, an idea or an important document noted, would increase by far in the "organized chaos" of the work table. Without taking into account that excessive rigidity and order would pose numerous obstacles to creativity ...
On the other hand Einstein himself observed: "If a desk clutter denotes a spirit confusing, what about an empty desk? "Hooray ...
then posters, sheet, sheets, books and pens scattered all over the floor, computers, telephones and coils of electrical wiring ... and that the confusion begins to bear fruit!


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